Aşağı Çıyanlı Ş. Ahmet Birkaç İlkokulu serves as primary and pre-primary level education with 132 students from the ages 4 to 11 and 11 teaching staff. Its curriculum offerings cover 2 levels within the regular compulsory school attendance (from 1st to the 4th grade) and pre-school.
The school is located in an economically disadvantaged rural area of Kadirli city. The families are generally working in agriculture and the students come to school from nearby villages. There are many historical sites and landscapes in the area as well. Karatepe Open Air Museum and city is an ancient heritage from Hittites and Castabala is another ancient town from Romans.
The school exists to serve the unique academic, physical, social and emotional needs of students. We consider of key importance both the creation of a peaceful environment and the collaboration and team building through self and others’ awareness. We aim at achieving educational success paying attention to each person, accepting and appreciating ourselves and others and respecting individual diversity. We uphold research and enhancement of skills, attitudes and learning styles aimed at overcoming any hardships and disadvantages. The school has been part of projects at regional and national level. The school completed the projects "Values Education" and " We're Reading" respectively.
The motivation of our school comes from several factors of which we highlight the 21st century teaching and learning by using ICT in our classes. Our staff is highly motivated about using new technology in multidisciplinary classes. But our main motivation is the momentum that a project of this dimension and interest can bring to our practices.
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